The Similan Islands is a group of islands in the Andaman Sea off the coast of, and part of, Phang Nga Province, southern Thailand. It is a national park which was established in 1982.
The Similan Islands tour was another trip that I expected to do. At this time, I traveled to stay in Phuket for 1 night at Sleep Room Guesthouse before went to Phang Nga. In the morning, the van picked me up to Thup Lamu Harbor, Pang nga for travel to the Similan Islands.
You have to try to understand a little that the Similan Islands consist of many islands. Therefore, if we call Similan Island(Koh Similan), it’s incorrect. You have to call them “Similan Islands” (Mu Koh Similan).
I departed from Thup Lamu Harbor for diving at the first site in front of Se Island. The boat took me to dive two sites in the morning. Then I went on to dive two more sites in the afternoon. Nemo in Huang Chang Bay (Pad Island), the Similan Islands